Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Children's centre at Bricknell Primary

A worrying rumour reached us today from one of our alert constituents who had the foresight to contact us.

We can confirm the current proposals are weekday use only. 5 days a week - Monday - Friday. The opening times will be 8am ish - 6pm; if there is a demand for the centre to open earlier, the centre may open from 7am.

Because the Bricknell Children's centre is a spoke of the Fenchurch children's centre as such it is not a full children's centre. Some children's centres do open on a weekend but this is only for specific arranged events/activities and as Bricknell children's centre is a spoke of Fenchurch children's centre, any planned activities are more than likely to be held at Fenchurch street. There may sometimes be staff training events held at the Bricknell children's centre; when training occurs, there will probably be a sessional crèche at the centre.

We hope this helps. As ever if you hear anything do let us know. If we do not know instantly we can and will find out. That is the partnership: we speak for you in the Guildhall, you keep us in touch with Ward events - even though we are out and about a lot we cannot be everywhere all the time.