There are a number of problems at the bridge which are basically -
- The pigeons and associated muck
- The graffiti which appears at regular intervals
- The state of the railings.
The graffiti is being dealt with when it appears as per the graffiti scheme I pioneered for Wyke last year. I have reported the most recent graffiti and it will be removed.
I have raised the railings as a possible scheme for funding from the Community Initiative Budget but this will require the agreement of our colleagues in Avenue Ward too. It will also be quite an expensive scheme so i am not making any promises at this stage.
The pigeon problem could be solved by a net under the bridge. That sounds simple enough but there is a dispute between who is responsible, Network Rail or the Council. I am hoping that this will go to an Independent Adjudicator who will determine who is responsible. I was always told it was the Council as it was they in the 1920s who dug the road under the track.
Once that has happened, and we know who is responsible, we can then try and get the netting sorted. In the meantime, I shall continue to arrange for the path to be jetted and cleared of the pigeon muck.
The wheels of local government turn very slowly I am afraid to say!!