These events take a lot of organising which is why they are not held too closely together.
However one is due around March period and this is your chance to tell us who you would like to see there.
In the past we have brought the police, the fire, various council departments, various learning institutions, HANWAG and other crime fighters, the mobile library, and others. Many of those will be invited again. Andrew and ia re always keen to hear the views of the community so please do let us know if there is an organisation you think can benefit by being brought to you. It goes without saying that we will be there anyway, we expect the police, and other crime fighting agencies, but your views really matter to us.
We expect the venue will be on the Bricknell Estate this year, last time was Chanterlands Avenue, and Andrew will be taking a close interest in this. Please write to either of us and let us know your views so we can try to reflect them.