Thursday, 10 January 2008

Blog of the year campaign 1

As regular readers will know in widely respected Daily Mail political journalist Angus Young's Annual Awards he gave blog of the year to Gary Watch, the life and times of former Cllr and current train driver Gary Wareing . (Available to view on

Many of you are kind enough to think we were robbed. I asked Angus if he had read our blog and if he had did he think it was as dull and worthy as thought it should be?! (Gary Watch is not wholly serious!). He agreed it was so I hope we may be in with a shout for winning this coveted Award next year as we stay true to our market niche: conscientious and diligent ward councillors!

Of course we do this for the reward of knowing we are keeping in touch with you, not the award of recognition by top political journalists (shameless plugging here now, since Angus lives in the Ward, reads this, and we think the number of votes in his house is increasing soon!) but recognition is always welcome! So please, don't write to us: write to Angus at the Daily Mail buildings and nominate us! No Gary, just John and Andrew!