Saturday, 8 December 2007

National Avenue/County Road junction

Regular readers of CONTACT, our pioneering and trail-blazing newsletter, will recall how we have improved the railings and attempted to improve the aesthetics of this junction.

This was necessary because of neglect by the council, however we are having to revisit the planting scheme. It really is a bit stiny and threadbare, my childhood Teddy bear has more covering than this area. We will have plant density increased, and we are still looking to soften the landscaping outside the national.

Long term residents will recall that the then Labour councillor Colin "Chuckles" Challen (now MP for Morley and soon to leave The House for a lucrative non job on a quango so one of Gordon's Gophers can have a safe seat) decided the area needed a few oil drums and wooden boards to improve it. Well we got rid of them, but it is still an oasis of concrete so we will look for planters and similar to make the area look as pleasant as local residents make their gardens.