Thursday, 6 December 2007

Kelvin Hall School

We know there are widespread concerns about proposals to expand the school into a new "monster size" with a much wider catchment area drawing people from even further away.

Andrew and I retain as our first concern the quality of the education on offer to the children, and the impact of the school on the wider community.

As you may know there are some who want a split school site, part on the current school , part on the former William Gee School.

There are some who want to expand it to as much as 1700 in size and encourage more drivers to arrive at the school gates!

We both conducted two in-depth surveys locally.

William Gee Area Survey

· 97% stated that they opposed Kelvin building a new and enlarged lower school on the William Gee site.

· 74% supported the creation of sports pitches for use by Kelvin & residents, along with a community facility.

Kelvin Hall Area Survey

· About 95% agreed with John and Andrew that Kelvin should not expand to 1500 or 1350 pupils.

· 98% of respondents felt the current 1000 pupil capacity was sufficient.

On education grounds we actively oppose two sites with classrooms on each, we are not in support of extending the school numbers, and we are not convinced we have seen satisfactory proposals to improve the education on offer.

We do support new buildings and are pressing for better access arrangements to be included as well as good quality facilities and buildings. We will ensure that local residents are consulted early and often on building proposals and will continue to keep residents in touch through our regular CONTACT! newsletter.

We really do believe in working for you all year round