Thursday, 30 July 2009

Windsor Road Gullies & Railway Bridge

Good news today on two fronts.

Firstly, following complaints I received about blocked gullies on Windsor Road, the Council has been down to have a look and will clear the detritus from the grates which are causing the blockages. There were particular problems yesterday during the heavy rain with a couple of these grates.

Secondly, following our action, the Council have been a cleaned the pigeon muck from under the railway bridge on Chants Ave. There is still a dispute as to whether the Council or Network Rail are responsible for the bridge and the assocaited pigeon problem. An independent adjudicator will now make a decision on who is responsible.

I am also pursuing a seperate issue related to the bridge which relates to the barriers whih run along the pavements under the bridge. These need re-paiting and we are working with the Lib Dem Councillors in Avenue Ward to try to acheive this.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Up and Running Again

Please accept our apologies for the delay in updating the blog. We had some technical issues, or rather we lost the passwords, but everything is now up and running again.

Rest assured, we have been working as hard as ever, as residents should have seen from the local newsletters. Current on-going campaigns include -

  • Tidying up the Chants Ave railway bridge and seeking a permanent solution to the pigeon issue.
  • The re-painting of the footbridge on Hotham Road North, terracotta in the hope of deterring graffiti.
  • Removing the graffiti on the clubhouse on the Cropton Park.
  • New flagpoles for Commonwealth Homes and the Cropton Park.
  • Tidying up the roundabout on Cott Rd/Farifax Avenue.
  • Protecting grassed areas and grass verges against irresponsible parking.

Obviously, there are more but these should give an idea of our continued commitment to working hard for you all year round.