Saturday, 26 April 2008

Bishop Alcock Road Shops

At last we have a demolition date for the Bishop Alcock Road shops. The utilities have been in an disconnected everything and it looks as though the building could be down by the end of May. The only outstanding issue is a dispute over the boundary wall with the brewery who own the Barrowman.

We are assured that this wont delay the demolition of the buildings and we shall certainly do all we can to make sure it does not. The demolition will remove the appalling eyesore and improve the area substantially. Needless to say, John and I had to push hard to get a demolition date!

Horses William Gee Site

John and I became aware of the horses on the William Gee site last Thursday. We reported it immediately but as usual, Council action has been slow.
Last year I met with officers to demand that they secure the playing fields as I did worry that the site could be occupied illegally. Alas, they decided not to listen to my concerns! Rest assured, if the site is now illegally occupied we shall waste no time in demanding a tough and swift response from the Council.

Goodfellowship Planning Application Withdrawn

Residents will know how concerned I was about the planning application which had been lodged for building on the Goodfellowship car park. I am pleased to report that the application has now been withdrawn.

This does not mean it will not return but at least the immediate threat has gone. We have already produced a street newsletter for nearby properties and will produce another should the application be re-submitted.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Updates Updates Updates

John and I have been hitting the campaign trail fairly hard that we have not had chance to update the blog as much as we would like. We are receiving the best reception on the doorstep I can remember. So many residents have mentioned how we keep residents informed all year round, not just at election time. Thanks for all the positive feedback we have received, it really is appreciated.

Local updates are as follows

Commonwealth Homes

The new gardens in the middle we promised residents have now been completed. There will be a presentation for residents this week so that they can see how the gardens will look once in full bloom. The Commonwealth theme should look really good, with a different area of the Commonwealth represented in each bed.
John and I have also agreed to re-plant the gardens to the front of the Homes too and this work should start once we have both signed off on the funding.

Langdale Lighting

Given the Council's inability to act, we have set aside £30 k for improved lighting locally. In particular we are looking at Langdale and another street with a hope of getting them both re-lighted soon. It is annoying we have to use our local funds for this but unless we do it could be some time until they are done!

Cardboard Recycling

Those with brown bins will now know that the collection of cardboard has been suspended for the next year. This is because of Government changes and demonstrates how little Labour understand the needs of local residents.
John and I argued that an alternative should be put in place and we have succeeded in getting agreement for a cardboard recycling bin to be added to the recycling centre at Bricknell Primary. It is not a perfect solution but it at least means those residents who wish to continue recycling cardboard can do so.
The collection of cardboard from the kerbside will hopefully resume next year!


Due to neglect from both the 'old parties' who have run the City in recent years, our roads continue to crumble. Burniston, Hotham Road North, Barrington and Bricknell Ave are all among the roads we are pressing for action on.

Huntley Drive One Way System

The consultation is now complete and the matter will come before the Wyke Area Committee shortly for a final decision. Subject to a few small adjustments I expect the scheme to be passed. We will then begin consulting on Linkfield.

Tesco - Bricknell Avenue

I have put in a formal objection to the hour extension sought by Tesco. The matter is now with a Government Inspector who will decide whether or not Tesco's appeal against the Council's refusal of the extra hour will be granted or not.

William Gee Site

We have asked for the field to be cleaned up and we remain appalled at the general lack of care by the Council of this site. Residents will be aware that following touch negotiations by John and I, we have now agreed that half of the site can be used as sports fields for the new Kelvin, although this is subject to residents having access to the site and to a new community facility also being constructed on the site.
There will be no classrooms here, the daft idea of a split school site was roundly beaten! Many thanks to the huge number of local residents who responded to my survey on the matter and supported my fight against the split site option.

And Finally,

Please remember to Vote on May 1st in the Council Elections.